What motivated you to plant your church in the city of Winnipeg? We moved to Winnipeg from Edmonton in 2015 to join a local…
arcchurches_d5k1qtAugust 9, 2022

What has been the most fun experience of planting a church? The most fun part we have experienced would be working with our family.…
Rachael FynmoreDecember 16, 2020

Describe yourself in three words. Coffee, outreach, driven. What do you love about your church and community? I love the city of Woodstock and the…
Julie MooreOctober 30, 2020

Describe yourself in three words. Grateful. Hopeful. Learning. What do you love about your church and community? I love that Cities Church has allowed itself…
arcchurches_d5k1qtOctober 16, 2020

What motivated you to plant your church in the city that you are in? We were moved by what we saw in our community. There…
arcchurches_d5k1qtAugust 27, 2020

What motivated you to plant your church in the city that you are in? My wife Nicole and I both, separately and then together, really…
arcchurches_d5k1qtAugust 21, 2020

Pastor Chad Veach brings a powerful message of how worship through the trials brings revival.
arcchurches_d5k1qtJune 30, 2020

Pastors Andy and Lisa Moore from Glad Tidings Church in Victoria bring us through their personal journey of brokenness into together.
arcchurches_d5k1qtJune 30, 2020

Digital Conference: Claude Houde - Better Together even in the Valley of Death
arcchurches_d5k1qtJune 30, 2020

Describe yourself in 3 words Jesus-lover Encourager Extrovert How would you describe your hopes and desires for your life? Psalm 145:4 is my constant prayer:…
arcchurches_d5k1qtJune 4, 2020

What motivates me, and what I feel like God has put me in the local church to do, is to equip and empower everyday…
David SongApril 14, 2020

A special conversation with Pastor Matt Keller of Next Level Church. We’ll be talking about staying emotionally and spiritually healthy as leaders during this season…
arcchurches_d5k1qtApril 13, 2020

Nate Puccini from Substance Church chats leadership, engaging team, and how Substance is leveraging online to continue growing their community with tangible impact.
arcchurches_d5k1qtApril 9, 2020