What has been the most fun experience of planting a church?
The most fun part we have experienced would be working with our family. To see my 8-year-old grandson working with gramma Cathy to set up Kidnation at 6 am warms my heart. To see the other grandchildren come in carrying coffee earns, and other stuff which is bigger them themselves is just such a treat. Also, to see God bring so many people from different backgrounds on our team and have them jell together is exciting to watch.
What encouragement do you have for people wanting to plant a church, but unsure about doing during COVID-19?
We encourage people to go ahead and plant even when conditions are rough during COVID-19. To quote Charles Dickens “It’s the best of times and the worst of times.” People are hungry for the Lord. COVID-19 has just surfaced the deep spiritual need in people’s hearts. Now is the time to go for it!
What doubts were going through your mind and how did you overcome them?
We were uncertain if the school we rented was going to allow us in. Other churches in Alberta who were meeting in schools before the outbreak were not allowed back in, but we had not even launched yet. The Lord told us to get that contact in place before COVID-19 hit and we kept pressing on until we got it. We stood on scripture and kept moving.
How has ARC been a support during this season?
We are thankful for ARC who encouraged us to develop a strong plan. We worked the plan and worked the plan and worked the plan! We also received bonus funds from ARC to launch our online services. We are thankful that this financial contribution allowed us to get great equipment and start strong. Volunteers love to work with good equipment and ARC really helped put us over the top financially to launch strong. Thank you, ARC!
What motivated you to plant your church?
We were motivated to launch after years of the Lord’s nudging. We saw many people who were hungry for a church or just hungry for a spiritual renewal. We felt the Lord say the time is now and the people are YOU! This was actually a prophetic word from someone which was confirmed over and over and over by people.
What have been the greatest moments since planting your church?
One of the greatest things has been to watch the Lord touch people without people laying on hands or praying for them specifically. The worship, and the environment and the Word of God is transformational, and God has done some amazing things for people.
What has been one of the toughest moments you’ve experienced during this season?
COVID-19 has restricted our ability to connect with people on a real relational level. We simply have to say nice to see you and they need to leave. We encourage people to join us online for services and for Experience Life Groups, but it is just not that same as in person. This has been very frustrating.
What do you want to share with someone thinking about becoming a church planter?
We want to encourage them to pray and pray and pray. Develop the team and then make sure you are spending time with the Lord to hear what He is saying about the plant and then when you start about the way to do things. There are many voices who want you to do things this way or that way. You need to stick to your guns and do what the Lord is saying to do. Surround yourself with people who pray and who are spiritual. You need to have solid spiritual people at your side all the time. You can do it!!