ARC Canada’s story began in 2013. Deeply impacted by the vision, heart, and strategy of ARC at a Conference in Jacksonville, FL, John Burns, Brent Cantelon, and Jonathan Lambert connected with a passion to see God’s Church expand in Canada. Jonathan and Natasha Lambert had launched Experience Church in Calgary, AB, in the fall of 2012 as part of the ARC family. The success and growth of EC using ARC strategy and principles proved that these were not only ARC ideas, but Biblically-based, Kingdom strategies for growing healthy churches.
The vision to see life-giving churches in every community across Canada drew other pastors and leaders into the conversation, and in 2014 ARC Canada was officially formed. Since then, the ARC Canada family has been growing steadily. New church planters are equipped and released each year to launch churches from coast to coast. Existing churches are joining the family to support church planting and work together towards health and influence in their communities
Today the heart and passion remain. ARC Canada celebrates with all of the church planters and partners that have joined since 2014, and collectively we remain motivated to reach a country for Jesus through the power of the local church.